Why LG Fridge Is Not Blowing Cold Air

Why is my LG Fridge Not Blowing Cold Air

Is your LG fridge not blowing cold air? If so, you’re not alone. There could be a few easy solutions to get your appliance back on track. Try these top 5 most common reasons why LG fridges don't blow cold air and how to fix them.

  1. Check If the Temperature Settings Are Set Properly

    One of the most common causes for your LG fridge not blowing cold air is an incorrect temperature setting. To check if this is the problem, open up the refrigerator and inspect the settings on the control panel. Some units may have a digital display on them while others will have a dial you can twist to adjust the temperature. Make sure it’s set properly to ensure your refrigerator is blowing cool air into your appliance.

    If the temperature settings look to be in order, then you should inspect the the door seals around your freezer and refrigerator. Make sure they’re tight and intact, and if there are any signs of wear or tear, it’s a good idea to replace them. This will ensure cold air stays inside your fridge instead of escaping through broken parts. Additionally, make sure that nothing is blocking off the vents on the back or sides of your LG unit. If something is blocking them, this could be a sign that the coils aren’t able to properly circulate cool air throughout your refrigerator.

    >Check If the Temperature Settings
  2. Verify If the Door Is Air-Tight and Sealing Properly

    Verify If the Door Is Air-Tight Properly

    While checking the temperature setting is important, you should also check if your LG fridge’s door is air-tight and sealing properly. If not, cold air can escape when opened and warm air can enter which can prevent refrigeration or freezing of food items. To test this open the door and seal a sheet of paper into it; if there’s enough of an air leak to move the paper then your door isn’t sealing correctly.

    Verify the Sealing

    If the paper holds, then try swapping out your existing gasket for a new one. This is relatively simple, just remove the old gasket, clean the area around it, and apply the new one. Make sure to press it firmly and evenly over all sides of the seal when you install to ensure proper airtight-sealing. Doing this should help reduce cooling delays, frost build-up, and other inefficient problems associated with poor door sealing while also keeping food and beverage items colder longer in your fridge.

    Refrigerator Repair in Toronto
  3. Inspect the Condenser Coil for Debris Accumulation

    Refrigerator Repair in Toronto

    Checking the condition of the condenser coils is also important as any dust and dirt accumulation can lead to increased temperature levels. Over time, dirt and dust that accumulates on the coils can disrupt airflow from entering the fridge in turn increasing its internal temperature. Clean your LG refrigerator’s condenser coil at least once a year with a vacuum cleaner crevice tool or soft brush to ensure it remains free of dirt and debris.

    Inspect the Fan Motor – If the fan is running slower than normal then it won’t be able to blow cold air inside. Unplug the LG fridge and check if there’s an accumulation of dust and dirt around the fan motor. Cleaning out the fan area can improve its efficiency and blow cold air into the fridge more efficiently. Additionally, ensure that all of its vents are unobstructed and not blocked by food items or other objects in order to maintain good airflow.

    Furthermore, check the condenser coils which can be found at the back or underside of the fridge. Clean these coils with a vacuum cleaner by wiping off their dust and debris, as accumulations on these coils will effect its efficiency. If you find that these more advanced methods do not solve the issue then contact an LG professional repair technician who can service your refrigerator and restore it to good working order again, ensuring that you get cold air within your fridge once more.

  4. Clean or Replace Any Damaged Fan Parts

    Damaged fan parts can also prevent your fridge from blowing cold air so it is important to check the fan blades and motor for any signs of damage. If the fan blades appear warped or damaged in any way, they should be replaced to ensure your LG refrigerator can properly circulate cool air throughout the unit. Additionally, ensure that nothing is obstructing its path to prevent any further issues.

    A dirty fan motor, either in the interior or freezer components of the unit, can also prohibit airflow and should be cleaned if any build up is found. If it still isn’t working after cleaning, a technician should inspect and replace the fan motor as soon as possible to help preserve the structure of your fridge and avoid any further issues.

    Additionally, make sure the fan blades are spinning. If they are not, a technician should also be called to help assess the motor and resolve any issues. The fan blades can easily become damaged if the motor is too weak or has too much build up in order to spin correctly. Whatever the case may be, it is important to call a certified refrigeration specialist as soon as possible to ensure your fridge is running at peak performance and remain energy-efficient.

    Clean or Replace Any Damaged Fan Parts
  5. Refrigerator Repair in Toronto

    Check For Errors On the Dispenser Panel Control Board

    Your LG fridge's Dispenser Panel Control Board can also prevent your refrigerator from blowing cold air. This is the main control board and will display any errors or code issues, so it’s important to inspect it for any signs of damage. If the board is damaged, then replacing or repairing it should resolve the problem and get your fridge working again.

    To inspect the board properly, you will need to first check for any codes that are displayed. The code should be visible on the display panel and should indicate which component is experiencing an error. Once you have identified the error code, you can then access your manual or contact customer support to determine what repairs or replacements need to be done. If there are no codes visible on the control board and it looks physically undamaged, then you may need to consider other potential problems, such as a malfunctioning evaporator fan motor or dirty condenser coils.

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